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Pixies – Hey Lyrics 13 years ago
Perusing through the previous comments, I have come up with my own interpretation. When he's speaking about being "chained", I think of it as a ball and chain- a prisoner: Thoughts that overcome some men when they find out they're about to have a kid.
The inevitability of having that child born and never being able to mess around with another women again.

Black says, "must be a devil between us". When he and his lover hug, her pregnant belly is in between them. He probably doesn't literally mean the devil. It's just that feeling when you think to yourself, damn.. This is real.. I'm having a kid.. But in the back of your head.. You're also thinking about all the girls you'll be missing out on.

He then says, "Or whores in my head, whores at the door, whores in my bed" I think he's cheating or at least just thinking about all the girls he'll be missing out on. Although I would like to think it's him cheating because.. I don't know how to explain it but I think it means he's cheating.

Then he says, "But hey where have you been? if you go I will surely die". He says this after he brags about whores but then he uses this kinda tone that's like, "But hey it's not my fault that I'm messing or thinking of these whores..where have you been?" He's speaking directly to her and asking where has she been. Maybe she's been gone (either mentally, or physically) and that's how he's been able to sneak all these "whores" around.

But when he says, "but if you go I will surely die". I don't know if he genuinely meant that or he's kind of saying that to her to bump up those trust points.. Or whatever. Kinda of like dramatic irony. Because some girls are like that... fall for mushy stuff.

I was thinking maybe the part where he's says,
"uh said the man to the lady" I think the "lady" is his lover but he refers to her as to just a lady because he's kinda debasing her.
"uh said the lady to the man she adored", You can interpret the "uh" in any way if you think about it. But the fact that it says, "to the man she adored", shows a little obliviousness on her part and see's the man in much higher regard.

And of course obviously you know that this part, "and the whores like a choir go uh all night", is probably just his exaggeration of all the girls he's been with moaning.

Now this part is brilliant.. I think this is a nice allusion. This part of the song is what made me interpret it the way I did "and mary ain't you tired of this
that the mother makes when the baby breaks
we're chained"

Back to the baby reference.. It's kind of foreshadowing if you use my interpretation. The Virgin mary, was a VIRGIN and she had a baby. (Duh).
If you modernized that situation. Mary must really feel screwed over. She had this kid that god kind just laid on her. So now she can't really screw around if she wanted to. Especially since it's Jesus... Like that would just make her look bad.. So now she's "chained". If you look up "uh" on it says, (used to indicate hesitation, doubt, or a pause). So maybe she was feeling doubt.

But if we go back to all the "uh"s that were used in the moaning parts. Just remember there is no onomatopoeia for a moan.. That I can think of.

So yeah I think I just about covered everything. Hope this get's you thinking. (:

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