Train – Hey, Soul Sister Lyrics | 14 years ago |
at the time of a friend of mines death this was her favorite song. For her close friends i feel that this is a song that means a lot they were friends forever...:( its kinda goofy and silly and it is truly carefree. for the other girl involved in her death i feel like this song describes how they were they were very insinc although many go about interpreting his song as a male female relationship i interpret it as a female female friendship(people who are so close that they might as well be twins) I'm so glad you have a one track mind like me.= they were so similar they could be twins You gave my life direction, =her death made a lot of people wake up from a daze they were in and realize hey my life is going by right in front of me ad what if i dont like where it is going idk maybe it was just the way ithink things through but in a way it makes sense |
Coldplay – Fix You Lyrics | 14 years ago |
i agree with easyasmuffin |
James Taylor – Fire And Rain Lyrics | 14 years ago |
This song makes me immensely sad a girl i knew from the second grade died not quite a year ago and this reminds me of her :( from what i kow this is about his girlfriend who died in a plane crash right? |
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