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Avenged Sevenfold – God Hates Us Lyrics 14 years ago
In my view the song is directed towards today's "collateral damage" of common religion and faith. Each one will say almost anything to build its god up whether it be through hope or fear. When a person deals with a loss like the members of avenged did at some point your mind will cross the line of save him and save me "God Save Us" but then whether it be before or after you will also have the thought of if this god i believe in loves everyone how it do something like this "God Hates Us". Its a contradicting thought everyone will experience at least once if not multiple times in their life. The penetrating lyrics of "Lie, Rape, Kill" and "Love, Hate, Fear" tell me that to make your god seem better than another the hierarchy members of that specific religion will do whatever it takes to make a profit or to have more power than the other. They will lie to us telling us things that will supposively set us free in the end when they themselves can not be 100% sure of what is to come. Rape is one of the lower sins you can committ yet there are reports of child molestation by the very people that preach to us as a society. To kill one self or another is also a terrible sin and correct me if im wrong but in the catholic religion that the divine comedy "Dante's Inferno" references in the 9 levels of hell is at level 8 yet they have forged religious wars countless times throughout history killing for no need but to get as many followers as possible for their own enrichment no matter the cost, although i will say catholicism is definitely not the only religion to do so. Marriage is suppose to be sacred yet the divorce rate is higher now than ever and other religions believe in more than one wife which one is right? We are led to hate a certain group because of their beliefs when they do not meet ours yet we are told to love everyone. And lastly we may be able to believe in one religion but there is a fear of the unkown. So to sum it up the lyrics in this song to me give the story of someone wanting to believe and be righteous yet has so much fear and hate because of what history has taught them than even though the fear of say hell crosses their mind they would rather go there than to follow a god that has no sympathy for the ones he supposively loves.

Mudvayne – Closer Lyrics 14 years ago
sounds to me like the classic story of dr. jeckyl and mr. hide. He thinks he's making positve strides but yet he's telling himself what he's doing is just dragging him farther down

Mudvayne – Closer Lyrics 14 years ago
sounds to me like the classic story of dr. jeckyl and mr. hide. He thinks he's making positve strides but yet he's telling himself what he's doing is just dragging him farther down

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