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Blonde Redhead – My Plants Are Dead Lyrics 14 years ago
She does say "Harry", not "hurting". Harry is the name of one of her horses. I read in an interview with Kazu where she said the lyrics of this song are transcribed from text messages she received from a friend. So, she is singing the words her friend sent to her.

Blonde Redhead – Penny Sparkle Lyrics 14 years ago
This is a song about Kazu's horse. The sexiest song about a horse ever.

Yeah Yeah Yeahs – Skeletons Lyrics 15 years ago
I recorded a cover of this. I'm not much of a singer, but someone may find it enjoyable. : )

It's the last track at the bottom.

mewithoutYou – Goodbye, I! Lyrics 16 years ago
I think you're right. Thanks!

mewithoutYou – Fig with a Bellyache Lyrics 16 years ago
Sorry, the actual lyrics are:

"The dog below our waists aroused, as arms embraced the pretty gals. It came much more as a surprise, it happening while I hugged the guys."

mewithoutYou – Fig with a Bellyache Lyrics 16 years ago
"That dog below our waist aroused, when arms embraced the pretty gals. It came much more as a surprise, it happening when I hugged the guys."

So is this Aaron coming out of the closet? I'm not sure about this. Regardless, lyrics about getting a hard on from hugging someone is definitely a low point for mwY. The line isn't even artistic or poetic, like most of Aaron's lyrics. Pretty blunt and crude.

mewithoutYou – Goodbye, I! Lyrics 16 years ago
Yeah, that's what it sounded like to me too, but I didn't put that in the lyrics because it doesn't make sense. It still could be though.

mewithoutYou – Cattail Down Lyrics 16 years ago
Pretty close. I think after the deer line, it's "saw right through US". I would agree that the first part of the "i've been having anger thoughts" line is wrong, but I don't know what it is!

I love this song. The end is sweeping. The horns are pure class.

mewithoutYou – Every Thought a Thought of You Lyrics 16 years ago
Exactly where do the lyrics say muhammad is God's messenger? Certainly not in this song. Even in the Arabic part, the name muhammad is never mentioned. Also, the word "Allah" is the Arabic word for God. So, an Arab Christian would also call God "Allah"

mewithoutYou – A Stick, a Carrot and String Lyrics 16 years ago
You're right on. Thanks!

mewithoutYou – Every Thought a Thought of You Lyrics 16 years ago
He means there are no people to believe. All people tell lies/misinformation. There's no one to believe but God.

"when they say their love is real, they mean 'i like the way you make me feel', there's no one here to believe but you"

It's saying that only God gives true unconditional love, only God is truth.

mewithoutYou – Every Thought a Thought of You Lyrics 16 years ago
except at the end of the second verse, it should be "every look in search of you". My bad.

mewithoutYou – Every Thought a Thought of You Lyrics 16 years ago
These are the correct lyrics:

every thought a thought of You
no more thought, i ought to do
when there ain't a thing we see
or touch we trust is true
every thought a thought of You

every look in search of You
no need for book when we're with You
You wear a thin disguise,
oh Light within my brother's eyes
every look a search for You

every song in praise of You
our darkest nights are days to You
the trees raise branches high
like arms in church to greatful sky
every song in praise of You

no one here to believe but You
everyone else is bound to leave but you
when they swear their love is real,
they mean "i like the way you make me feel"
there's no one here to believe but you

kul-anaya fikr minh ka
abadan ahatmam enna ajab
hayya’alal falal qad qamadis alah
Haqq: la illaha il Allah

Land of Talk – Some Are Lakes Lyrics 16 years ago
Thanks for posting this! What a great song. Listening to it, I'm not sure all the lyrics are dead-on, but many are. Thanks again friend.

mewithoutYou – The Angel of Death Came to David's Room Lyrics 16 years ago
In many of the videos I've seen, he says "angel" instead of "Sammy" or "Samuel", but in the video I originally transcribed this from he said "Sammy". I believe Samuel was David's father.

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