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Tool – 4 Degrees Lyrics 17 years ago
I laughed out loud when i re-read these lyrics with the idea it's about anal.

But anybody who has ever written lyrics will know that music, and lyrics are almost always subjective to a point. Maynard probably had something deeper in mind when writing the lyrics, and chose to write it in the form of anal.

Guns N' Roses – Madagascar Lyrics 17 years ago
The way I interpret this song, is about Axl and the original band members of GNR. Madagascar has broken off from Africa and is drifting away. The lyrics fit this, but Axl isn't drifting away from the other members, they are already separated with a strong disdain for each other so I doubt if this is what Axl had in mind when writing. It could be about him drifting away from somebody more personal though.

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