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Sonata Arctica – Juliet Lyrics 14 years ago
Romeo and Juliet gone wrong? But the whole play is about things going wrong...^^
I see your point, and of course there is a lot of reference to the play. An yet, Tony confirmed that it is the last part of the Caleb Saga. This is why I think a lot of it is meant in a metaphorical way.

Sonata Arctica – Juliet Lyrics 14 years ago
Haha, that would be kinda funny, but it actually is part of the Caleb saga. Though I unfortunately don't know where it was, I read an interview with Tony on some German site, where he confirms that. Yet it seems to me that there are still too many parts missing to recollect the whole story, so I hope we will get to hear more about it in future Albums. :)

Also, now I've listened more often and more closely to the song, I think I took some things a bit too literal in my first post. Meanwhile I think "poison" could be a metaphor meaning "love". Furthermore I now believe this song is to be put after "Don't Say a Word". The situation could be like that: After he's got hold of her he is very angry and threatens to kill her ("Don't Say a Word"), but then somehow she calms him down (or he, for he is kinda shizophrenic, calms down by himself) and then, in this song, recollects the story for himself, how he lived for her, how they broke up an how she didn't suffer from it the much he did (I like Kitchoua's thesis on that).

Sonata Arctica – World In My Eyes (Depeche Mode cover) Lyrics 14 years ago
I love this cover more than the original song. Same for Fade to Black; Sonata do a very good job when covering, they manage to give the songs their own flavor while not changing them too much. And Tony's voice is just amazing. :)

Sonata Arctica – World In My Eyes (Depeche Mode cover) Lyrics 14 years ago
I love this cover more than the original song. Same for Fade to Black; Sonata do a very good job when covering, they manage to give the songs their own flavor while not changing them too much. And Tony's voice is just amazing. :)

Sonata Arctica – The Last Amazing Grays Lyrics 14 years ago
Ah, the anovoidable wolf song. :o)

Sonata Arctica – Juliet Lyrics 14 years ago
Very interesting thought, I didn't figure out for myself but now you said this I am perfectly with you. This could be about how he discovers that she doesn't love him anymore. The story might be that he wanted her to die with him, she agreed to be freed of him and his obsession and let him drink the poison while she didn't. When he figures out he calls her a whore and begins to hate her, which explains pretty much why in the end he is going to kill her in "don't say a word".
Yet, if that was the story, there are still missing a few parts. Why did he survive? How does he get caught (for in "the end of this chapter" it says: "The promise they made, I should keep?
Make sure that we would never meet", which I assume was a judgement)?

Sonata Arctica – Zeroes Lyrics 14 years ago
I don't thing it is about terrorists. It certainly is abbout rulers, politicians. The "Zeroes" are the people who vote for them and therefor give them their power. "These people win elections, empowered by you!"

I think he is singing about politicians making promises they never care to keep just to come to power, and then let the people suffer and rule without caring for the "Zeroes" who elected them.

But same as you I'll have to listen to it a few more times, and before I try to go too deep in the meaning of the single songs I'll just enjoy the new album a while. :) <3 Sonata

Sonata Arctica – Breathing Lyrics 14 years ago
An outstanding ballad. I don't think the meaning of this song is too deep - to me, it sounds like "midlife crisis". A long relationship gone wrong ("all the broken songs of our life", "I built a bridge, you use the tunnel now"), looking back in time and feeling bad about the life you've lead ("all this wasted time is killing me").
I don't quite understand what the first lines are about, there certainly might be more in it. Any ideas?

Schandmaul – Ein Stück Regenbogen Lyrics 16 years ago
Ich denke, dass dieses Lied von einer Freundschaft erzählt. Die Freunde haben lange Zeit miteinander verbracht, wobei einer immer der "Starke" war, der "vorrausgeschritten" ist und den Weg gezeigt hat. Irgendwann haben sie sich auseinandergelebt, und nun begegnen sie sich wieder. Derjenige, der früher der stärkere war, ist abgestürzt - hat vielleicht schlimmes erlebt, ist vielleicht auch einfach ausgebrannt. Klingt sehr nach Depression. Nun reicht ihm der andere die Hand und will versuchen ihm zurück zu geben, was er vor langer Zeit von ihm bekam.

Ein sehr schönes und sehr trauriges Lied.

Schandmaul – Sonnenstrahl Lyrics 16 years ago
Das ist ganz sicher eines der schönsten Lieder, die es überhaupt nur gibt. :>

Zu interpretieren ist daran allerdings nichts.^^

Schandmaul – Wahre Helden Lyrics 16 years ago
Scheint nicht viele Schandmaul-Fans hier zu geben... schade!
Aber zu diesem Lied... ich mag es unheimlich gern, und ich denke es hat viel Tiefe. Man muss den Text unbedingt in Bezug auf den Titel ("Wahre Helden") sehen: Das so negativ beschriebene Mädchen ist hier die Heldin, niemand sonst. Eine Heldin, weil ihr das Leben so schwer gemacht wird, einfach weil sie nicht sdchön anzuschauen ist, dadurch keine Chance bei ihrer großen Liebe hat, und auchnoch verlacht wird wenn sie um ihn zu kämpfen versucht.

Interessant finde ich den Bruch, der in der fünften Strophe herbeigeführt wird, indem eine positive Beschreibung zwischen die vielen negativen gereiht wird: "und beim ersten Sonnenlicht glüht dein Antlitz wunderbar". Ich bin mir nicht sicher, ob die Zeile als Hinweis darauf gemeint ist, dass Schönheit immer im Auge des Betrachters liegt - oder ob auch das eine Beschreibung aus Sicht "der anderen", und das positive Adverb "wunderbar" als ironisch zu verstehen ist. Ich tendiere allerdings zu der ersten Interpretationsmöglichkeit.

Nightwish – The Islander Lyrics 16 years ago
For most of his songs are about him and his feelings, i think IF Tuomas wrote this song - it is telling about how he feels of his life, and how he wishes it to end. It is no secret that he loves the sea, and in "The Poet and the Pendulum" it clearly sais: "I just wish the tide would catch me first and give me
a death I always longed for".
Also there is the line from "Ocean Soul" which sais: " I always wished to be one with the waves".
So i think he is imagining how he would like the end of his life to be like.

Nightwish – Planet Hell Lyrics 16 years ago
The "the first rock thrown again" line also refers to the bible. Somewhere in there is a scene where someone is being stoned to death. And then jesus - i think it was him, but im not sure, might even be him who is being stoned - says "the one who is without sin throw the first rock" and no one moves... perhaps this isnt exactly the story, but the situation. :) So i think in this song it means a mistake which is made again, like some of you already said.

Nightwish – While Your Lips Are Still Red Lyrics 16 years ago
I think the song is very closely related to the video. The story in the video is that while she is in a relationship with one guy, she falls in love with another. She then parts with the first man for the sake of the other. I think the song tells not to cling too much to an old love if you fall in love with another person. The "while your lips are still red" in my understanding doesnt mean "as long as youre still alive" but "as long as youre still young", like in the first verse: "Young heart for love, not heartache".
So the message basically is: Dont be too sad about a broken relationship, but enjoy love, no matter to whom.

Nightwish – Meadows of Heaven Lyrics 16 years ago
Of course it is about Tuomas. Most of his songs are personal, with him as the lyrical self. Only a few are fictional.

This song makes me cry, too. Though "The poet and the pendulum", "Eva" and "Bye, bye Beautiful" are great songs, for me this one is the very best of the whole album. It just touches me, and as i read from your comments, those of you who grasped it's meaning are touched, too. This is because there is a childhood-utopia in everyone. As a child everything is new and magical, but when we grow up we dont see things, but see again. We learn to thing in standards, and the magic is gone. Although i really try to keep the "child within me" alive, most of the things are no longer magical to me. And this is very, very sad to recognize.

Nightwish – Come Cover Me Lyrics 16 years ago
I dont know how anyone could think this wasnt about sex. ;) Of course it is, only take a look at the chorus...
But its about sex in a romantic way, sex for love's sake.
I think it might even be about sex between old people, i think so because of this line: "November dressed in may on your face"
November could mean that he's no longer a young man, but "dressed in may" - love and passion are still fresh and young.

Nightwish – Nymphomaniac Fantasia Lyrics 16 years ago
I was really... yeah, kinda glad when i heard that Tuomas hated this song. Because normally i love his songs, his lyrics - but this one i've always skipped when i heard the album. I do not like it, because of its sexism, because of its brutality and the way the protagonists act.

Nightwish – Nightwish (Demo) Lyrics 16 years ago
I am pretty sure that this song is connected to "Astral Romance". I nerver quite understood the meaning of that song, until i heard this one. It is something like the beginning of the story.

Nightwish – Lagoon Lyrics 16 years ago
There is so much truth in "imagine a perfect hideaway without a time"...

Well, at the first look there are examples for that things need some specific components to be "perfect". But then there is the serpent, being whispert after "a friend", so it seems to be meant quite ironically. Or do you need a serpent in a perfect eden? Well, in the bible the serpent (the devil) is a false friend to Adam and Eva, making them eat the forbidden apple. But in this song to me it sounds as if Tuomas means any friend with serpent... maybe that there is something bad in every friendship.
And then there is the "ocean soul", of which i think as an overflowing soul, full of thoughts and feelings, but content in itself... So i think this song is about that someone with an "ocean soul" does not need things other people need to feel happy.

Sonata Arctica – The Misery Lyrics 16 years ago
No, I dont think the speaker is talking to a pen. If you look closer, you notice two "Persons" who are being adressed: "Lady Pain" and "My dear/my only one". I think he partly speaks to his pain, especially when he says "I write the lines you want me to" and "You steal my only hope and made me stay awake another night" and party speaks to his beloved one when he says: "If you fall, I'll catch, if you love I'll love" and so on.
The theory with the pen seems not to fit if you look at lines like: "Don't be scared", or did you ever see a scared pen?
Well, although I do not believe it, I am still thinking about it.

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