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Ryan Adams – La Cienega Just Smiled Lyrics 17 years ago
La Cienega is the girl... the one he loves even though it hurts him. He keeps going back to this girl and hurting her and she tries to stay brave "La Cienega just smiled...see you around". He feels the guilt but yet can't help how he feels so tries to forget but can't "I hold you close in the back of my mind."

Beautiful song

The Goo Goo Dolls – Iris Lyrics 17 years ago
i think the song is pretty simple to explain. A guy who is so madly in love he would do anything but he can't tell her cos she wouldn't understand. It is an extremely beautiful song and one I relate to. I think this song sums up love superbly.

Christian Kane – LA Song Lyrics 17 years ago
franck5p i learned guitar just for this song.

by the way the official meaning of this song is about Lindsays life in LA. But I take it to mean something else: not being able to feel love when you are surrounded by it. Being so emotionally down that all the good things pass you by. "Sky's gonna open, people gonna pray and sing, I can't feel a thing" is Lindsay so numb, so outwith his life he no longer feels love,hate,or happiness in his life. he feels nothing. He probably has Eve at this point but with Darla being ripped from him, being at a moral crossroads and having to battle an evil hand he just stops caring.

My Chemical Romance – Disenchanted Lyrics 17 years ago
I think this song is a guy looking back on his life, and how everyone always said life would be easy "it was a lie when they smiled, and said you won't feel a thing." and now he's at the end he realise he wasted his life although there were good parts of it "i hate the ending myself but it started with an alright scene". All through high school he was forced to be a part of the crowd just to be disappointed in the end and disillusioned with everything. And to me the most depressing part of the song, is the fact he realises none of this even matters anymore "Just a sad song with nothing to say". I don't know who he is singing to but whoever it is obviously dosen't see how the singer feels and although keeps listening dosen't get the message

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