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The National – Gospel Lyrics 17 years ago
I can totally understand your view mounty, mostly because we live in the same neighborhood in suburbia. For all I know, that could be precisely what Matt intended by this song, but what I do know is that with The National it doesn't matter if you "miss the mark," the lyrics probably mean something different for every listener. From reading interviews of Matt, I know that he commonly takes the approach of grapeshotting image-laden phrases in his lyrics. He made this comment in reference to Fake Empire specifically, but I think it applies to all of his lyrics. This method is particularly well-suited for my idea of individual interpretation because the images that come into your head from the lyrics are (for me at least) all things that you yourself have personally experienced. Whatever it means to you (the listener), Gospel is a beautiful, simple closing song which I think summarizes the entire concept of Boxer: The National can play softly and cut just as deep.

The National – Gospel Lyrics 17 years ago
I really couldn't say what this song means as a whole, but there are a few different phrases that resonate with me.
If I had to guess, I would say there are several lines that seem to connect to the opening song, "Fake Empire." The way Matt Berninger describes christmas lights as "holiday rainbow lights" reveals the beloved holiday tradition of america (the fake empire) as something hollow.

One last thing I noticed is that Gospel not only closes Boxer nicely, it draws reference to the previous album, Alligator, with the line, "feathers are falling on my feet"
(from the song Karen).

The National – Apartment Story Lyrics 17 years ago
jessepence, you really should consider doing explications like the above for other songs by the national. I think what you have said is very insightful, and in any song there will always be a bit of a skew of its meaning toward your own personal life, but that in my opinion that's what makes Matt Berninger's lyrics so appealing. Some would call your post a rant, but after all this is a site meant to interpret songs, and you have done just that.

The National – Green Gloves Lyrics 17 years ago
"Take another sip of them,
it floats around and takes me over
like a little drop of ink in a glass of water"

In my opinion, this is one of the greatest albums of all time. There is not a song on it that I dislike, and I love Matt Berninger's lyrics. The excerpt above captures perfectly the sensation of what it is like to slowly get drunker and drunker. In my interpretation, this song and the next two songs on the album all share the common theme of alcohol.

Arcade Fire – The Woodlands National Anthem Lyrics 17 years ago
I currently live in the Woodlands, I have grown up here.

The guy who posted who has lived here and gone to Concordia must know a lot more what it was like for Win Butler, but it is still surreal for me that the lead singer of one of my favorite bands went through what I am going through now. I am currently a senior in high school, and while I have not applied to college anywhere in Canada, I haven't applied anywhere in Texas and hope to soon start a completely new life in a few months.

I had no clue before that "The Woodlands National Anthem" was about the Woodlands where I have spent the last 18 years, and I have only just now found out after looking around at some Arcade Fire stuff with the release of Neon Bible. I'm a little freaked out and inspires at the same time.

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