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Neko Case – Pretty Girls Lyrics 17 years ago
i also think it is about abortion, possibly rape. the part about lovers not understanding could be in reference to the loneliness that girls often experience after an abortion. if you are still hurt about it afterwards, people often wonder why and say it's your fault for putting yourself in that situation.

and i like the imagery of peaches' statement of neko rescuing the girls.

Neko Case – The Train from Kansas City Lyrics 17 years ago
pretty sure it's about a girl who is married to a man she loves and a guy who used to love her is coming to see her without knowing she is married now. she is telling her husband not to worry because she loves him and she is going to tell this guy and break his heart.

i think many girls could understand the ex popping back in your life and it hurts to tell them that you are no longer available for them. i know i can relate.

Rilo Kiley – Glendora Lyrics 18 years ago
i think the part about the dancers in the room underneath you, is saying she walked in on her boyfriend with some strippers and he wanted her to join in. she says that she wants to please him so she gets with them for his pleasure. so she was probably coerced into having a threesome with him.

Ani DiFranco – Lost Woman Song Lyrics 18 years ago
i just recently had an abortion and finding this song meant a lot to me. it's a very personal and sensitive subject. i know what she means, especially when she says "some of life's best lessons are learned at the worst times."
it seems that the guy who got her pregnant didn't care much at all and it bothered her.

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