Morrissey – Everyday Is Like Sunday Lyrics
| 19 years ago
Love this song! Morrissey at his best -- what a voice!
For some reason I find Sunday's very depressing this song describes my feelings. Understand the desolation of a Sunday in Reading UK from when I lived there 10 years ago. Saturday was bustling and Sunday it was like a ghost town. |
The Who – We're Not Gonna Take It Lyrics
| 19 years ago
As the finale of the story it seems that from Sensation to I'm Free the honest revelation of Tommy is pure I find the line in I'm Free "no one had the guts to leave the temple" that people are not living the intended mission. Like many religious that go to a house of worship then treat people like sh*t -- missing the revealation of their messiah.
The next few song demonstrate the loss of the mission "Come to my house -- seems that getting the numbers of worshipers to "be one of us" build a bigger and bigger house of worship kinda like the Megachurches that are popular these days. The holiday camp is further commercialization and perversion (Uncle Ernie) of Tommys message. Finally the people realize that they have been duped! |
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