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Beirut – Cliquot Lyrics 16 years ago

"I’ve taken "Cliquot" to be about the desperate sorrow of the young widow Clicquot, who lost her beloved Francois to sudden fever in 1805. It is a profound sort of grief that no one should have to experience, losing one’s love, but the band manages to turn this tale away from the path toward funereal dirge and instead tranforms "Cliquot" into a hauntingly beautiful hymn."

Ted Leo and the Pharmacists – My Vien Ilin Lyrics 17 years ago
I'd still like to know what My Vien Illin is or is it My Vein Illin or Ilin or what's the deal with that

Ted Leo and the Pharmacists – My Vien Ilin Lyrics 17 years ago
Given cman's info from Ted, you can kinda figure out the classical references, assuming they're not from Ullysses (because no way am I gonna talk about Ullysses).

Odysseus, after the Trojan War, set off for home, but it took years upon years for him to reach him home, to find it far different than how he left it. Take this as an metaphor for the American soldier, leaving home to fight, then taking to long to return to a home that has invariably changed and may not want him.

Dedalus was the father of Icarus, and a great architect/mechanic. He crafted wings for the two of them to fly, but Icarus flew too close to the sun and was lost. Afterwards, Dedalus threw himself into the sea. The loss of a child and the ensuing depression/death certainly rings true in this song and in the context of a war-hungry America.

Ted Leo and the Pharmacists – Hearts Of Oak Lyrics 17 years ago
I was told this song was, more or less, about females in rock bands, and the difficulty of being female in a mostly male industry.

"So I was listening to this song by this friend of mine.
I was hearing what she said, I was feeling her rage.
She said, “No weak, no weak heart shall prosper!"
She said, "Nothing's wrong, and I belong on this stage." "

Considering Ted is married to one of the members of The Secret Stars, this all fits together pretty well. I think she even does back-up vocals on the song, as well as a few others. See if you can notice her!

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