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Hawthorne Heights – Screen Writing an Apology Lyrics 19 years ago
wow... these lyrics are amazing..i think its about a guy that had to leave this girl "Please don't cry because I'm leaving" and i think its beacause like she lied,"shes sorry and I can tell" or like she changed," Scene missing, fade to black.
You're acting all this out again", and doest seem like "The girl who stole (his) heart". and when he says "The one that got away.." i think he means that he really loved her but has to leave her because shes not the same anymore, the person he fell in love w/ "got away" and was replaced by her new personality. "She's waiting for something to feel alive." and " She's sorry and I can tell." are about how she wants him back but he noes she wont change back. and even tho he wishes things were how they were b4, he explains in "Just wake me when it's over, When the curtains raise, It's time to move on. Exit now, credits rolling," that he noes its all over and he has to just move on w/ his life.

thats what i see in it.

Home Grown – Cross My Heart Lyrics 19 years ago
my sister made a mix w/ this song on it, i love it. a also agree w/ mysensesfailed on the meaning. shows you just how far you would go to get someone back.

Avenged Sevenfold – Bat Country Lyrics 19 years ago
you no wat i found? most emo haters r acctually emo themselves, but wont admit it, so when you go around saying "i hate emo!" you r most likely trashin yourself.

Fall Out Boy – Sugar, We're Goin Down Lyrics 19 years ago
i agree w/ the lil fufu about how people r only into a band cuz of that one song that is allwayz on mtv, but not all those fans ditch them after they slip off the top ten list, nost do, but like the people hav got to hear about the song from somewhere. personally i heared about fall out boy from my cousin, and it wasnt by this song, but it was the first one of there songs that i heard. so fufu i no where u r coming from, i no it can be annoying, but chill. i mean summergirl has a point, we got to hear about a band from somewhere. but i do hate when people do hear s band and then only get into them when they r all over mtv, come on how despret can u be to fit in?

Shania Twain – Man! I Feel Like A Woman! Lyrics 19 years ago
lol this a fun song to sing to! hehehe its a fun song- even if its contrey!

FM Static – Crazy Mary Lyrics 19 years ago
ok jessie lol " she has no friends!" i think theres a lil more to it, like how she sucludes her self from everyone and it sounds like shes a lil periniod. it just fucking sad cuz of how many people out there are so much like her.

American Hi-Fi – Flavor Of The Weak Lyrics 19 years ago
i love this song! stupid chick! gettin used by some player while there is i guy rite under her nose that would be so sweet to her! when u hear this song u just have to sing w/ it, dont u think?

FM Static – Hold Me Twice Lyrics 19 years ago
its such a sweet song it sux that the chick had to leave but its so cute how they hooked up, and sorta sad cuz it sounds like the guy is still really missing her after a year. awww it reminds me of my friend that moved away, we still talk but still.

FM Static – Crazy Mary Lyrics 19 years ago
this is such a beautiful song that just makes me want to try to be kinder to others

Green Day – Wake Me Up When September Ends Lyrics 19 years ago
awww i absulutly love this song and the video is absulutly awsome. i almost cryed when i watched it. i do get the connection w/ his dads death and all but i guess it fits in w/ alot of things like war and stuff. the whole thing is just this swarm of emotions and i just love it!

The Used – I Caught Fire Lyrics 19 years ago
ok i found a younger the used fan, 11! and thats a young eleven! i love this song, when i listen to it i start to melt w/ the song. i agree w/ xx_sunshine about the whole getting caught up in looking into someones eyes thing that u just like melt. what a great song!

Papa Roach – Scars Lyrics 19 years ago
i totally agree w/ pety, i can play this song a million times and it never gets old. it reminds me of how much i tried to help my x, but he ended up just makind me all depressed and totally skrewing up the life i had just finished fixing 4 my self, and there was nothing i could do, i wanted to help but he ended up taking me down w/ him so finally it had to end. but it gave me emotional scars, and like the song says, they remind you the past is real. this song seems pretty self explanitory, and it is one of the best songs out there!!

Sublime – Wrong Way Lyrics 19 years ago
im also a lil confused about murdering the dad, i mean, is that like a huge part or is that like just thrown in there? but 4 some reason i think he is tryin to be help emotionally. i love this song....even if like how it is totally about life being shitty, it just is one of those songs u get stuck in your head, and i love singing to this song!!!

Blink-182 – All the Small Things Lyrics 19 years ago
ok this is like old stuff and i usually dont like to bring up bad things from the past, but seriously was no 1 else bothered be the old school person sayin the only fans were chicks cuz they r thinkin about how hot the band was and not really caring about the music? as if only guys can appriciate music,i mean honestly im not one of those peeps that goes around getting offended at everything, but how sexist is that? anywayz, about the song, i think the lyrics r really sweet, not really cuz of the fact hes writing a song about his gf, but i mean wat the girl does it sounds so sweet...aww i mean come on could she be any sweeter?

Ashlee Simpson – Shadow Lyrics 19 years ago
ok i am a lil sister too so i can see where she is getting the part where she was like not really getting noticed, for me my sister is really tallented at everything from music to fashion to electronics to school. the girls got skills. but i really am bothered by the end, it makes me feel like she is saying its only ok now cuz im rich and famous 2. it doesnt seem like she really respected her sister at all or even thought about how her sister felt, i mean i was jelous of m sister, and i still am i guess, but honestly i still am not half of wat she is but i dont resent it, sure she uses her skills to power over me, but the day i found out she had cut herself was the day i stopped feeling srry for myself. and im srry if every one gets pissy at me 4 this, but wat does she mean broken life? popular older sisters rock, they through fun partys!! so i think the song started out good and meaningful, but in the end she just totally ruins it w/ all the im famous 2 crap.

Yellowcard – Back Home Lyrics 19 years ago
i totally love this song but i dont think it is just about CA, i live in california, just outside LA, and its wierd cuz i still relate to this song, cuz i allwayz felt like there was somewhere better, that i wanted something else but i really think this song helped make me relize that this place is actually better than i thought, and i only wanted something else cuz i didnt hav it. i mean for god sakes i live 5 minutes from the beach and i hav a year round tan! honestly wat fucking more could i want? i get mad if its less than 70 degrees in december, or if i cant go tanning a few days before my new years party! so i dont really think this song is about CA being a fake, but like about how we all think we want to pack up and leave, but then we relize we only wanted wat we didnt hav, and then we see how we took our hometown for granted. i love when u can relate to a song!!!

Rise Against – Swing Life Away Lyrics 19 years ago
i absulutly love this song, when i hear it i really just wanna go hav one of those nights where me and my sis hav a bunch of friends and friends' friends come hang out, everyone just sittin out in the yard not worrieing about what happend in the past, or wat will hapen in the future. those r the times i live 4, relaxing w/ friends livin only in the present times, i think thats really how life should be. dont u think? just bein here in my hometown surrounded by people, its like even if we r just sitting, those r the best times, the times that make life worth living. but personally i think this song is about being happy, even if u dont hav a lot of money u hav friends and love, so u should just be fucking happy.

The Presidents of the United States of America – Some Postman Lyrics 19 years ago
This is like my favorite song! My cuz played it once in his car, and my sister and i both had it stuck in our heads for almost an entire month before we could find it! i guess my cuz has pretty good taste in music! i think the song is either about blaiming the postman because he isnt getting love letters, or to make an excuse for not sending one, but either way, this song rocks!

3 Doors Down – Kryptonite Lyrics 19 years ago
i love this song! when i listen to it i think its about a guy who is allwayz there for this girl but she takes everything he does for her for graneted, and since he is allwayz trying to help her, she just expects him to be there. And he loves her so much that he doenst want to lose her, but at the same time, she is like his weakness, his "kryptonite".

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