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Andrew Bird – Fake Palindromes Lyrics 20 years ago
Strikingly beautiful song; dragged me into Andrew Bird's material, actually.

Andrew Bird – The Happy Birthday Song Lyrics 20 years ago
My favorite song on the album. Just a wonderful ending. It doesn't answer any of the questions that the first few songs pose ("Why are we alive"), but I like how it treats the question: Hey, who cares. Let's have fun. Sing me a song.

"'cause hell, what's it all about?"

Andrew Bird – Tables and Chairs Lyrics 20 years ago



I know we're gonna meet someday-"

That part is awesome.

Andrew Bird – MX Missiles Lyrics 20 years ago
I love this song.

And I love how he says "Revelation".

The Decemberists – Grace Cathedral Hill Lyrics 20 years ago
I love this song.

The Decemberists – Sunshine Lyrics 20 years ago
Awesome! Now, all we need is "Everything I Try To Do, Nothing Seems To Turn Out Right".
I think the Billy Liar 7" was the best four bucks I've ever spent. Even if you have Her Majesty, the two unreleased songs are entirely worth it.

The Decemberists – The Tain (Parts I, II, III, IV, V) Lyrics 20 years ago
Wondering about the meaning of this collection of songs?

Go read The Tain.

The Decemberists – California One/Youth and Beauty Brigade Lyrics 20 years ago
Heh, I love that part in the article about "another castaway's question". Remembering Holden made me smile :-).
Oh, God, what an excellent book.

Streetlight Manifesto – The Big Sleep Lyrics 20 years ago
Anybody else notice the violin (I think?) early in the song? I'd heard it a million times, but only really noticed it a few months ago. It's pretty quiet. It's most audible on the line "gone, gone, gone..."

Streetlight Manifesto – The Saddest Song Lyrics 20 years ago
But on a billionth read, that line could be referring to him killing himself, and saying "if you were in my shoes, would you kill yourself?"
In case you were wondering my initial interpretation of that line was "if you lived a better life, would you have still killed yourself?"
Eh, who knows.

Streetlight Manifesto – The Saddest Song Lyrics 20 years ago
I was never able to figure out if the speaker is killing himself or if his friend already did (or both?). The chorus really throws me off.
I'm leaning towards the speaker's friend killing his or herself, because of the line:
"if my life was your life, would you ever take it back?"

Streetlight Manifesto – Point/Counterpoint Lyrics 20 years ago
Sigh... it's not called Keasbey Nights 2. Stop relying on rumors, people.

Streetlight Manifesto – We Are The Few Lyrics 20 years ago
The part of the song that TFFMO quoted is actually pretty interesting, as to what it means. Go buy the four-track demo, it has songwriting notes that explain this song.

PS. You've all got it wrong.

Streetlight Manifesto – A Moment of Silence Lyrics 20 years ago
It has nothing to do with Catch 22. You're wrong.
Did you know that Kevin of Catch 22 is SM's booking agent?

Streetlight Manifesto – That'll Be The Day Lyrics 20 years ago
Too bad the person he's singing about in this song is obviously dead, 'else maybe the two songs could be connected. They're both anti-suicide, but so is all of Tomas' work.

Streetlight Manifesto – Here's To Life Lyrics 20 years ago
It's unclear whether or not Holden Caulfield kills himself. His frequent suicidal thoughts and extreme actions make it certainly possible, and it's pretty much up to the reader as to whether or not he did kill himself after the book's ending. It's certainly a more interesting way of looking at the novel, thinking about it as more of a suicide-note than a telling of a story.

Streetlight Manifesto – Everything Went Numb Lyrics 20 years ago
This is not about a man plotting to rob a bank. He is put in the situation against his will, most likely, which is what leads him to his "how did it come to this?" state-of-mind. Also, there's nothing about a bank in this song.

Streetlight Manifesto – A Better Place, A Better Time Lyrics 20 years ago
BOTAR does not have the same members as Streetlight Manifesto.

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