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Switchfoot – Ammunition Lyrics 19 years ago
I think this song means that the youth of today is ammunition for the arguments of people of authority. I mean, when we do somthing bad, (weapons in schools, drug usage statistics, etc etc) it just gives those who want to censor us and control us more ammunition legally. They have a reason to enforce stupid Zero-Tolerance laws and allow metal detector checkpoints in schools and things like that just because they have the statistics to prove that we need them. I think what he's saying here is that we can either blame it on other forces, or we can take on the responsibility of not doing the stupid shit that gives these people power (after all, thats what most of them really want). just my opinion, take it if u like it.

The Offspring – Change The World Lyrics 19 years ago
I agree with magicman, this song does not apply soley to politicians, but to pretty much anyone in a position of power from which they can affect change on the world, and it is from this seat that while they claim they are going to do one thing to make the world a better place, in reality they are just trying to keep things comfortable for themselces.

Oh, and as for the same note sequence as Genocide, EVER. 'nuff said.

Snow Patrol – Spitting Games Lyrics 19 years ago
I love this song, I'm learning bass and this is such a fun song to play along to.
As for the meaning, my interpretation is pretty much the same as everyone else's here, I think it's about being in love with someone but too shy to approach them (I know that feeling). There are some parts of the song that are kind of interesting that would be cool to hear what other people thought: 1) Does he seem to go through some metamorphasis in feelings at "But after that the floodgates opened up
And i fell in love with everyone i saw "? and 2) What is up with the T-hut thing? Is it wrong? When I read it I actually thought of the Tiki Room (which actually is a hut) at Disneyland, a room containing dozens of animatronic birds that surround the audience and sing. Kind of a stretch, I'll admit, but that's just my first impression when reading the lyrics.

The Offspring – Me & My Old Lady Lyrics 19 years ago
Definetly one of the stranger songs in the Offspring's repituar. I had not considered MyPrivilege's thoughts on it, the song could very well be about sex and the desire of this man to feel somthing besides lust for this woman. My original thoughts were that both of these people have grown distant over time and have actually reached a point where the idea of love sounds rediculous to them. My question is, what is "She ain't no ball and chain" about?

The Offspring – Intermission Lyrics 19 years ago
I realize this track as a whole does not have a lot of meaning, but it's kind of entertaining. In addition I think it's a nice break in the Ixnay On The Hombre record, with dark songs about drug use, brainwashing and losing loved ones preceeding it. It's almost like, "Here's the harsh realities of life, you look like you need some cheering up." which makes it kind of funny. Plus, it's just such a simple, musically non-profound song right before Dexter's scream to begin the song "All I Want".

Eminem – The Real Slim Shady Lyrics 19 years ago
Alright, I'm not going to get on here and start cussing everyone out because I actaully have a point to make. Honestly, don't you think this is formulated? Can anyone else see this? The whole record industry is playing you like a deck of cards! Eminem's facade is that he's this poor guy who endured a bad upbringing, and I'm not disputing that (by the way, most of what was in 8 Mile was purely fictional). The record industry finds this guy, gives him some money and tells him to only write the same tired retarded lyrics about how bad his life is/was and how he wants people to stop giving him greif about what he wants to do. But don't you notice this same trend in pop music? Lindsay Lohan, Britney Spears, Ashlee Simpson, just to name a few, all repeating the same message Eminem is programmed to repeat. At one time in my life I actually enjoyed Eminem, but when I really started to pay attention to this stuff I realized what a tool I was being! Eminem and most of pop music is controlled like puppets from the record industry, DO NOT BE A TOOL and willingly shove money at them for this crap! Look for music for quality, talent, not catchyness, and if you must listen to the fodder that the company feeds our pop culture, PIRATE THE FUCK OUT OF IT! Thank you.

The Offspring – The Kids Aren't Alright Lyrics 19 years ago
This page is a testament to the meaning of this song, how when detached from reality this song sounds too bleak to be true but there are so many people who know this scenario, who have friends who have done the same things. The Offspring is great at this, writing lyrics that not only go so well with the music but lyrics that people can mirror to their own lives. They have an educated viewpoint on life, not just saying "My life sucks so I take drugs" but that the drugs are ruining lives and dreams of the users who are simply trying to find escape from their problems. Few artists ever visit this point of view, which is sad because there are so many people who watch this metamorphasis from the outside can feel the hopelessness it involves.

The Offspring – Denial, Revisited Lyrics 19 years ago
There are few breakup songs that arn't annoying, and this is one of them. Anyone who has ever endured a breakup in which they tried so hard just to make it work but it still ended up falling apart would understand this song. I love the beautiful description and paradigm shift at the end of the song,
"But she stands softly
Tears down her face
Hitting me, oh god
This is the end
I'd wait here for you
But there's nothing more now I can do
How did you know?"
Very powerful.

The Offspring – Spare Me the Details Lyrics 19 years ago
As someone who has endured a similar misfortune (right about the sime time this album came out, great timing really), I can definetly understand the feelings this song is describing. I love the crescendo from just talking in "Now lying in bed" to the screaming in "someone else fucked her then I walked away!" You can really feel the anger welling in that verse, and it feels so good to scream along with him, especially if you're going through the same thing. Favorite lyric: "The play by play makes me wanna lose it, every time you do it, man, it turns the knife"

The Offspring – Burn It Up Lyrics 19 years ago
This was the first Offspring song I ever heard. I have always been a pyro and back in middle school my best friend came to me and said, "You gotta hear this, it's like your theme song!" Ever since then, I've loved the Offspring. Not a lot of deep meaning in this song, unlike many of the other Offspring songs, but some awesome lyrics: "I'll dance around the pretty flames, Such a wonderful game." C'mon now, who dosn't want to go torch somthing after hearing this song?

The Offspring – I Wanna Be Sedated Lyrics 19 years ago
I am not usually not a fan of covers, however this song is one of the few exceptions, I would love to see The Offspring perform this in concert.

The Offspring – I Choose Lyrics 19 years ago
I definetly agree with the symbolism of falling off a cliff to that of a life in transition from beginning to end; the main charachter refers to his mother at the top symbolizing birth and obviously the impact at the end of his fall is the end of him. It's also interesting to note that it seems the Offspring likes the works of J.D. Salinger, finding a reference to "Perfect Day for Bananafish" here and a refrence to "Catcher in the Rye" in an earlier song entitled, "Get It Right". Favorite line in the song, "If words were wisdom I'd be talking even more."

The Offspring – Walla Walla Lyrics 19 years ago
I read a while ago that Walla Walla is a famous prison in WA, I think that at some point in history it housed some celebrity.

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