Lyric discussion by Vozzy 

I've been a big DT fan for years and years, but it was only until a few months ago that I didn't own IAW. "Metropolis" has emerged as my fave song on the CD, although they're all brilliant. I love the musical interludes between lyrics, so satisfying (as Mike P would say) when it is resolved and James L sings "before the leaves have fallen..." I like to see these lyrics as being the story of a glitch: a girl gets murdered, she accidentally gets trapped in the mind of a young man 80 years later. The lyrical meaning is OK, nothing great, but I LOVE how the lyrics sound and I love to sing along with James L (much to the pain of my coworkers!). "Under a Glass Prison" gave "Metropolis" a run for it's money, but "The Miracle and the Sleeper" come out victorious in my opinion.

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