Lyric discussion by chandra714 

I'm pretty sure that this song is referencing when he was sick.

"Things become unsound" - bad news of being sick.

"Saw a falling leaf, for good luck jump to grab" - It's good luck to catch a falling leaf and he's jumping for it because he needs good luck.

"Shivering madly in the dark Like an animal abandoned in the car park And she held me and then she showed me the Beauty of the human heart "

I'm pretty sure this is about being scare and alone in hospital room and having a nurse or someone comfort you and show you that you have this power inside of yourself that can get you through the lowest/hardest points in your life.

The hidden sun that's in all of us is this tremendous strength/power that we all have.

This song is one of the most meaningful and beautiful songs. It makes me tear up nearly everytime I hear it.

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