Lyric discussion by B12ad 

You look at me from the back of the room All I see is a bumbling buffoon'

Lyrics for “I Spy” begin at 00:27 timestamp on track 10 of ‘Bedtime for Democracy’ released November 1986. Recorded April and July 1986.

Jello Biafra, (aka Eric Boucher) the lead singer of Dead Kennedys gets straight to the point. Eye contact occurs between the “You and I” and refers to an Individual Jello absolutely despises.

@B12ad 'Head down like you don't see much Until you move in to make your bust'

The rest of the verse explains that this individual is trying to stay out of sight, but is still a noticeable idiot keeping their eyes on the subject they’re watching. Irony is used to describe this super secret member of authority being obvious and executing their duties in plain sight.

I spy for you and me I spy for you and me I spy for you and me'

The chorus is a simple threefold repetition of three descending chords, C5, B5, E. But on the third repeat instead of using low E they go with a high E.

This song breaks the fourth wall and implies that the band members have spotted such an imposter in the crowd, and sing to expose him!

Disguised like you're one of the scene Just stand alone with no real friends Scared people will find out who you are Alone in the world without your telephone beeper'

The individual referred to as the ‘spy’ that “I spy” is supposedly disguised as if he fits in with others, but nobody stands with him as he is there alone and scared actually.

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