Lyric discussion by pronouncedOiler 

This song is clearly about environmental impact. The narrator blames previous generations/governments/corporations for getting us into this nightmare (verse 1/2), though the particular adversary is not named specifically.

Verse 3 goes into a bit of nihilistic anger towards this adversary, and claims that "our spirits" (whatever loose environmental coalition that represents) "are not weak like you" (i.e. the adversary).

Verse 4 builds this protagonistic coalition into a metaphorical environmental army.

Verse 5 describes continues to rail on the adversary characterizing their "truces" as "sacrilegious and deceitful". In the last two lines the narrator admits that he tries to compartmentalize this element of his persona, but he now he "fights for [his] name".

Of course lyrics are only part of the analysis here (may be some transcriptional errors here; my harmonic ear has a lot of room for improvement). From a musical standpoint, there is an interesting juxtaposition of a relatively light and positive melody (a simple I-V-IV-V cadence in F-major) for the first 2 verses, which contrast to the dark tone of the lyrics. I think this is in reference to the general feeling of complacency we have when it comes to the environment, even when we know intellectually (i.e. from the reading the lyrics) things are going south.

Verse 3 marks a shift in musical tone and tonality, with the addition of distorted guitar and parallel minor key change (I think it's v-IV-bIII-bIII, which would be harmonic minor, but feel free to correct me). At this point, we are seeing the effects of climate change firsthand, and really feeling the effect intimately. However, in the second half of this verse we have another cadence change (bIII-ii-bIII-bIII?) to coincide with the pleading, to ultimately land back into major tonality (I) on "you", with a tension resolving into the new key. This transition seems to indicate hope, a sense that we can actually do something about this problem.

Verse 4 is effectively the "Warcry" section (back in minor), and the anger builds until we reach the "battle" (i.e. guitar solo).

Verse 5: This verse is in C# melodic minor, but the first two lines land on the relative major chord (v-IV-bIII). Despite this, the bIII doesn't seem to have tonic function to my ear, possibly because the vocal line is hanging on the fifth of the chord (i.e. the m7). The second half (i-v-IV-bVII-bVI-V) ends on the V, giving the characteristic leading tone of melodic minor for increased dramatic tension.

Anyway, that's my take on a deep cut from an underappreciated band. I hope the 3 people out there who are excited about this song appreciate this interpretation.

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