Lyric discussion by amandalava 

I definitely think it’s a breakup song, but what kind? Well that’s what sets this song apart for me.

“Let my heart just drift like wood.” This line seems to me that he’s trying to be willing to open up to people again. He wants to get out there. When he says the lines “and will I break and will I bow, if I cannot let it go?” And then later too when he says “will I give myself away?” I think he is lamenting the idea that he won’t be able to let it go, and what will happen to him if he can’t?

The most important line in the song, and the one for the author too because he chose it for the title, is “I can’t believe we get just one.” I’ve spent a long time thinking about this, and I think that it has double meaning, or I guess it just depends on my mood. On the one hand I think he is in astonishment, lamenting to god how unfair it is that we get one person, one soulmate. This negative outlook is reflected in the last lines of the song, “let my heart beat itself still” seems so sad and like he just wants to die. On the other hand he seems optimistic, indicating that he doesn’t believe we get just one person, that he thinks there are other proverbial fish in the sea. Lines like “feel that sun just hold you right, leave you burning down the night” and the previously mentioned ones about trying to get back out there seem like a positive outlook to me as well.

I think that’s what makes this song so interesting to me, the dichotomy of hope and hopelessness.

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