Lyric discussion by Mendalusa77 

I've listened to this so many times. Maybe he is talking about the danger of lingering too long on wishful thinking, or getting stuck in the ideal of something at the cost of appreciating reality.

He's saying "you took all that moment" and "left it in the sun," meaning you obsessed over a memory until it wasn't the truth anymore. The "brave idea" (meaning naive idealism) was good but you gave it too much "sun," meaning attention and value.

You "didn't mean no harm," but you wallowed so much in hope and idealism that you ignored the reality of a situation. In the end, both the ideal and reality are ruined.

You thought of everything but one thing you forgot was you're wrong...

The "sun" of good intentions, nostalgia, idealism can blind a person and destroy lives. You can't accurately estimate the extent of potential failure ("the temperature and the distance of the sun") in the midst of idealism. But we keep hoping in spite of ourselves. We keep trying. The great human tragedy! Such a beautiful, sad song, musically and lyrically.

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