Lyric discussion by songbird1919 

First, I relate and understand the emotion behind this song as my father abandoned my siblings and I when I was about 4 years old. He was like a ghost to us our whole childhood. When we became adults and joined the military, all of the sudden he wanted to play "dad" and brag about his military kids. I especially struggled with trusting men in general my whole life, beginning with my father. I felt Kelly's notion of this song is finally meeting a strong, secure man who is there for her daughter and for her. Her husband filled the void her own father left, and her anger comes from the father now wanting something to do with her.
For me this is the line that I find the most emotional: "I made something of myself and now you wanna come back. But your love it isn't free, it has to be earned..Back then I didn't have anything you needed, so I was worthless.."

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