Lyric discussion by jepz111178 

Just sang the words to myself and I could not finish the lyrics. This song gets me by the throat. This is top music, the lyrics are poetry. The words fit to the music and the other way around, it tells me more than what the words say. This is not about rational thoughts, this is about what we are.

The explanations do make sense, though, thanks to everybody who gave their thoughts.

Some thoughts on how Gilbert (Raymond) wrote this poem. Maybe he feels like he's a good guy, but the absurdity of enjoying a glass of cognac while on television, gruesome images of people almost starved is a ridicilous contrast with the luxury life he is enjoying. Nothing you can do for these people, even if it's possible to give money, you know it is not solving the problems in such a country. How to make that rhyme with you wanting to be a good person. Your own luxury makes you feel guilty. But should you? Does that help dying people?...

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