Lyric discussion by cursive57 

This song is extremely frustrated.

What I mean by this is that is it essentially about being led on--yes, perhaps John intended it to take on a more sexual aspect, but either way it is true. The first sentence implies how they had interest in each other, but his was definitely more. She revealed a lot to him, including Norwegian wood. Norwegian wood is cheap wood, so right from the get-go it is revealed that whatever she felt for him was weaker than he presumed.

She had some interest in getting to know him, but it was not as much as he thought. However, he waited because she did offer him niceties. It's almost funny how relevant John was to the modern world and how people often stay up late talking and then simply go to bed like it was not a big deal.

The girl had other obligations the next day and thought it was all good fun that they had been talking. But the speaker was still willing to wait up for her and sacrifice his own priorities. He does not make a move on her (sexual or otherwise) because she has just wrecked their late-night conversation by saying how she has "work" the next day.

When he woke up the next morning, she had moved on. The bird had flown and the speaker realizes he's too late (I say speaker out of respect but I have a feeling John was writing about himself). He's angry and lights a fire symbolically to the weak wood.

It astounds me how much pain and literary technique John uses in every song he writes. I feel like he understands me and my own similar experiences and it means the world to me. I wish we could have known each other because I feel like I could have understood him as well.

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