Lyric discussion by CharlieFreak 

Remember this statement..."Hitler may have lost WWII, but Fascism won"...we live in a world owned by a VERY SMALL group of Corporate families that control governments and society thru printed paper money and their main weapons are the mainstream media and education. Their entire system is based upon turning us into mindless BOOBS! Thin-skinned, fragile, weak-minded people who JUDGE everything, instead of just "rolling with it". Like comedian Steve Hughes says, "You're offended? Who the fuck cares, you're an adult, deal with don't get aids from being offended."

What Pete is saying is that we have LOST our true values, which should all be based on Love...Family, Friends, Mother Nature & following our passions; however we have been mind manipulated to become Zombies pursuing Money, Power, Sex and Consumer conveniences. We're lost! We watch the news, game shows, sitcoms and Hollywood movies where NONE OF IT IS REAL! Like in the brilliant movie, Network, we have to "WAKE UP GOD DAMMIT" We are human beings...we should be exploring every inch of the globe in Peace and Freedom, giving and taking in balance and harmony with both nature and other human beings...not working for 50+ years at meaningless jobs just so that we can hopefully retire (sans cancer) and enjoy some kind of freedom!!!

There are those that watch a movie like The Matrix and see only the fight scenes and action; while there are those who AWAKEN to the reality that we are working/consuming slaves to a power elite that doesn't give a fuck about the Super Furry Animals sang (borrowing the bridge from the Steely Dan song, Show Biz Kids), "they don't give a fuck about anybody else, no, they don't give a fuck about anybody else..."

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