Lyric discussion by TheReal06 

An excellent song talking the wisdom of someone very dear to the speaker and about how much they miss them. This person taught the speak some very profound things, often comparing humans to stars (which was a theme in Fireworks) in how our legacy's carry on after our death like a star"s light (possibly indicating how our light is actually our legacy).

This very wise person explained the "infinite" of the universe during their last moments and just how "rare and beautiful it is" that life even exists and that we are here to experience it. These statements truly touched the speaker and stayed with him/her long after the wise person died.

The speaker wants to hear the words once more. They want to be told that the universe was made to he seen by their eyes; that the universe was there for them (essentially telling them that they are valuable and special). The speaker regrets not having these words of wisdom written down, but couldn't figure out how to do so in the respect of how profound they were. It was hars for them to find the words.

So, on their death bed, much like the wise person, the speaker will tell others the same wise things thry heard, continuing the legacy of the wise person and themselves, making both of them (and possibly other wise people before the wise one in the song that taught the wise one what they knew) esssentially infinite, just like how the wise one said they were. This could teach someone else and the cycle of this teaching of wisdom will continue.

A truly touching message, in my opinion.

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