Lyric discussion by TooBusyMoping 

As Elena Tonra stated herself:

"The song describes a lack of emotional connection towards other people — how it feels to not feel anything at all."

Sometimes, people who are suffering from depression may experience a very intense period of apathy; it's as if you didn't have any emotion at all, not sad, not joyful, not angry, not scared, not worried whatsoever. Consequently, you don't express anything, your face becomes blank ("lace faces"). That's what "I feel numb" means.

I don't know what she means by:

"Follow me home, pretend you Found somebody to mend you"

But when she sings:

"Can you clean lace faces? Black out nights and tight spaces? We'll feel distant embraces Scratching hands 'round my waist, yeah I wish my mouth would still taste you"

"Black out nights and tight spaces" may be a reference to her depression (being in a small room with the lights out) and "distant embraces" refers to feeling nothing towards other people, absolutely nothing, not even when they hug you.

"Scratching hands 'round my waist": when you have depression, you cover your abdomen with your hands, it makes you feel better, and when you are numb you may physically hurt yourself (scratching) to feel something.

I guess Elena is wondering if someone or "something" could make her feel again. And by "something" I mean that maybe she's talking about medication:

"Can you clean lace faces?"

"You better, you better, you better You better make me Me better, me better You better make me better

I feel numb, make me better I feel numb in this kingdom I feel numb, make me better I feel numb in this kingdom"

Perhaps she's just wondering if the medication (antidepressants) can make her better and she feels numb because she's no longer with him ("I wish my mouth would still taste you"). Or maybe there's no "him" at all, and she's just talking about alcohol (the medication) And she wants alcohol to make her better and she misses drinking alcohol...

Anyway, I'm terribly bad at interpreting lyrics.

@TooBusyMoping No, not at all. That was a really good interpretation. :)

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