Lyric discussion by manicmarkus 

I really enjoy this song. It seems like the lyrics could be interpreted a few different ways but the one that rings the most true to me is as follows:

"there are maybe ten or twelve things i could teach you..."

This verse strikes me as the author talking about both his own knowledge from his life experience as well as having children or young people who look up to you and wanting to impart on them the best knowledge possible but understanding that there are still many things about the universe you just don't fully grasp.

"once there was a haunted loop of your deep fallen tears..."

Now we come to a bad breakup/relationship where someone has ended a relationship (maybe the author) and he's not sure that it's right thing to do, in fact, even as he's moving out he's still knows he hasn't said the "right words" to convey how he felt.

finally "and the eyes they were a color i can't remember which says more than the first two verses..."

time has passed and the author has moved on. He used to feel so strongly for a person but now realizes he can't even remember the color of her eyes (something he must have looked at everyday) It shows that the feelings of guilt and despair that he used to feel have gone away and he's completely moved on with his life.

"and it is the devil you know..."

This is either the author acknowledging that he and the other were at least close at one point OR he's talking about how much harder he was on himself at the time. Either way, its someone who truly knows and understands you that can injure/wound you much deeper than those who don't.

make of that what you will!!!


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