Lyric discussion by Toonlink13 

I don't like to think of this as describing specifically a past relationship. This song always puts me in this humble,sad mood where I feel disconnected from everything and everyone around me,and what I feel from it is a longing for the past in general. It makes me think she's not just missing people or places but feelings and a state of mind she used to have. The world doesn't seem right to her anymore,and she only feels truly connected to her memories. Ever since listening to 'Swan Song',I look back on some of her songs as if she's talking to her older self,and when she says she'll run to them if they call,she conveys this willingness to forget everything she is right now to salvage who she used to be,maybe before what feels like depression overcame her. "Yet still inside,I felt alone for reasons unknown to me," is a line that personally hurts because I do feel alone on a deeper level than most people can really understand. I resonate a lot with the isolation that pervades this song. It makes me feel truer to myself. I hope writing it has helped her too.

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