Lyric discussion by LightningWill 

Many Dead songs can be called Hymns for Hippies. Sorry, Detractors, you miss a very important and obvious point of clarity, to your misfortune.

More than one person hearing my show tapes and previously had only heard Dead Tunes on the radio have remarked that the music "made me think".. I gotta agree, it does do that, at the least, provided that is, if you do have ears to listen, and a heart to see.

This tho, is my favorite Grateful Dead song, out of all they've played, and of over two hundred I've taped. They all are exceeding dear to me, but this one... this one pretty much says it all, and pierces my heart and shakes me to the depths of my soul. So much of Life's Meaning is evoked here, and so it goes:

Water bright as the sky from which it came, And the name is on the earth that takes it in. We will not speak but stand inside the rain, And listen to the thunder shouting "i am! i am! i am! i am." (Now who might you think would be shouting THAT?

Nothin' more, the love of the women, work of men. Seasons round, creatures great and small* Up and down, as we rise and fall.

The same words coming from a hymn in my first church went

*all things bright and beautiful, all creatures great and small, all thing wise and wonderful, the Lord God made them all.

Yes, dear ones.. there IS a fountain.. that was not made by the hand of men.

..and say you that this is devil's music, Black Jesus? Quite to the contrary, to me, this is God's Music.. and Jehovah's Favorite Choir.

And these people playing in the band are (some of) His Angels. When I went to see the Grateful Dead, I went to talk to God. And indeed my eyes and heart were opened wide, questions were answered, there were deep conversations. This was Church, the way I thought it should be, and many was the time I came away feeling Born Again. That first time I was so overcome that I could just barely walk out of the hall. These concerts were Ceremony and Communion taken with 2 to 50 thousand of my closest friends and family.

'Cause if yer a Deadhead, you're my brother, or sister. So I call anyone who's stood alongside me and witnessed these Miracles.

I need a miracle, every day. And thanx to the Good 'ol Grateful Dead, I know 'em when I see 'em!

Gotta stop endlessly noodling over this comment.. as Bobby said one evening, "We're the Everything's Gotta Be Just Exactly Perfect Brothers Band"... but I'll never get it all just exactly perfect, try as I will. Bye for now. LightningWill.

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