Lyric discussion by pdacon 

The video opens with her having an out of body experience in the rain, then cuts to her on the floor surronded by pills and a bottle lid where she begins with a warning the audience to stay away from sleeping pills. The begining and the end are the same, the middle is simply showing you how she arrived there. She is at war with herself, the more logical and mature half that tries to make meaningful connections with the people around her is warring against the side that is enttenched in emotion and self explotation.

The video is in my opinion a statement of "Wherever you go, there you are." The servant cannot please two masters, A house cannot stand divided against itself. She is saying that if you never tame your mind, body and soul and learn to love yourself for who you are then you will come to resent those that do love you over and over again. The video is showing her spiriling out of control, resulting in a suicide attempt as she desperately tries to escape her what has become her own mortal prison.

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