Lyric discussion by Pelicashka 

Cover art for Runaground lyrics by James

I think it's about a man who is continuously failing to commit to a relationship. He thinks that maybe this woman is not good enough for him and that his "one and only" is still out there somewhere. He is still looking around and he "leaves a door open" to bail out of a relationship if he finds someone better.

Deep inside he is aware of the problem but he is still weak enough to admit that he needs to change. And women feel that. At some point they get fed up and leave. Only then the protagonist realizes that he has lost something of value.

He tries to make excuses for himself like that a relationship was going stale anyway and that the end was inevitable: "It got too old,Was too controlled, Could have gone on forever".

Still, he's devastated. He's a ship that's run aground.

Oh no. And it goes on and on and on...

Learn from his mistakes guys and girls and cherish what you have. ;-)