Lyric discussion by lkngro 

Cover art for Julia with Blue Jeans On lyrics by Moonface

I'm always turned off of this song at first because it's so incredibly dark, but whenever I do stick it out, it's such a beautiful, compelling, simple love song. Sonically, he moves from that dark, almost gothic sound that is very complex to a simple chord progression by the end. And his lyrics follow the same tone and complexity throughout.

It begins with him describing how he hates this woman so much at the moment. I suppose it could have been after a fight they had, with the verse about roses. But then later, once they've cooled off, he remembers just how beautiful she is. It's basically the feeling of coming back to someone after you've had time to really think about what they mean to you.

This song is very indicative of the whole album, in which he follows this emotional, volatile, tumultuous relationship with this woman, who's name is probably Julia. Just a wild guess. They fight all the time and are toxic to each other at times, but still need each other because they're love. And I really like how he explored the many different facets of love and having a relationship, not just typical love songs.