Lyric discussion by corey10000 

Gaga has stated in interviews (multiple times) that she takes great joy in seeing her fans happy, seeing her message of acceptance no matter the circumstances (among other messages) heard through her music. I think this song is a tribute to that. Maybe she is reminding us that it's her fans that make it worth it.

Her attire in this video is unusually bland and not-quite-as-suggestive as usual. However, I'm sure that's intentional. Maybe it's a means of communicating her desire to be closer to her fans. Maybe it's just a way to contrast with the colors that are in the video. Maybe she is just trying a new style.

What's really interesting to me is the stanza about art. Google Translate says kunst means art.

One second I'm a kunst Then suddenly the kunst is me Pop culture was in art Now, art's in pop culture in me

Gag wanted to be an artist and suddenly she gets recognition. Pop culture was one component of art, and now Gaga's art is popular; her artistic expression is done via her pop music.

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