Lyric discussion by mreartheyes 

I know that this song is about one of his ex-wives, who I recall he left for a yoga guru. The whole song, to me, revolves around the line "Speculate who might be fucking the guru." (You have to love that line...) He's saying that, after their divorce, she should have been the one looking back and saying "Which one of us was wrong? Which one was fucking the guru?" Whether he was right, no one can say.

And in the end, he says "Now we know who's been fucking the guru." He's saying she decided on something, she's accepted an answer, and now she's happy, but he doesn't say what she decided--that really could go either way. She could be happy with the realization that he was wrong and now he's gone, or she could be satisfied with the decision that she was wrong and the divorce was the right thing.

The whole song also makes me wonder how much of this is him trying tell her she was wrong, or if it's him trying telling the world that she admitted she was wrong. Or maybe he isn't even saying she was wrong, maybe he's trying to say they were both at fault, that it isn't just black and white.

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