Lyric discussion by LoudSilences 

I think this song is about how looks can be deceiving. The person who appears the happiest can feel as if they're dying inside, and there'd be no way for anyone else to tell. I think its about how we are all alone in our emotions. Lots of people have felt sad, but no one person feels the same sadness as someone else. So even if you're in someone else's company, inside your mind, in your thoughts and emotions, you're alone.

I think it could also be about someone who is going through some tough emotions, and no one is listening to them ask for help/ no one is noticing they need help/ no one believes them when they tell them they need help. This makes them feel very alone, and they have to deal with the way they feel without help. They never realized how alone they were until they actually needed someone/ realized no one knew how they felt.

If you listen to it, the lyrics are very distorted. I think this has to do with the frame of mind Crim3s want to put you in, as it goes with the general mood of the song.

This is the first Crim3s song I ever heard, and I was shocked at how relatable and personal it felt. It was as if it was written about me.

This song means a lot to me for personal reasons.

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