Lyric discussion by phorton44 

I think Anisara hits it on the head in saying, "It is imploring us to look past politics and help one another as neighbors even in times of great upheaval. We can live by our own laws- be kind according to our own conscience, not according to what a political context might dictate." I think the song touches on a lot of aspects of our current political climate, not least of which being the debate about Immigration. I think he tries to make the topic more human and colloquial--saying "every house not a home, so dare do I roam"--meaning that it's human nature to go in search or a new home if you don't feel settled and supported where you are. And suggesting that being neighborly--compassionate even--means to do the little things that might help a neighbor find his/her feet--whoever they might be. And maybe even that rather than treating these "neighbors" with law and lobby-driven suspicion, that we should consider them human's who might just need a porch to safely and temporarily rest on.

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