Lyric discussion by TheultimatesiN 

I think the song is about someones dark past about a death and the need for an understanding leading to their religious awakening and how they found love in some one and in god. The first area is death which could have been a loved one or some family who he or she had grew up with under a different religious understanding or even an anti religious one. after this death there is a need for an answer to know what will happen after death. so this character abandons his life is other family his friends and even his old believes, that being deceit. then he finally finds love and an understanding when he meets metropolis who is either his love or an angel, their is also the idea that this character is about to die him self and he finally finds a reason to accept this death. the area where its stayed 'somewhere like a scene of a memory, their is a picture of a thousand words'. This could be a place in time and space where the memories that we have are recorded and that each memory gather to paint a picture of the sum of you and your being on earth, and in all idea, its gods intentions and his envision meant of you with idea of your creation, just like a master painter and his finest painting.

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