Lyric discussion by BBDGSMPA 

I was sitting in my room acting like a fucktard and thought "WHAT IF I'M KURT COBAIN???" ... "HER NAME IS FRAANCEEEEEEEEES!!!" And of course "Fra" is too soft of a sound so I implimented "Al" and got "No one else has a fucking soul". Alice is the female God of war--I think she has something to do with convealing, or the convoludence of "purity" because of the progression of time. A-lice ? "Yeah, Parker, you're right!" ":(" (Kind of like a-base--to disregard a start? a means "to not" [LOL Royals!]--to pick lice--is a "monkey" thing.) Rabbits reproduce like crazy. "She crawls into the window, through shapes in shadows"--"No she didn't..." "What?" A lot of my songs are hymnal, almost--it works like anthropology. It's like applying quantum physics to Universal Theory? I've kept a notebook since I was 14-16 (And played guitar since I was 12), so when I write, I take whatever feeling I have and express it through a story, then "cut" it to apply to a song (--if something feels "movie"-ish, it's because I think it's funny, or I thought it [would] fit better... I'm "still" working with my voice, and how that works is when you sing, or hear singing you start working the muscles in your throat towards that... My first guitar was (is) a Takamine--it's ENORMOUS, and the sound resonates.. so that's too much, so I became double-jointed and understand a lot more than most people would. If you listen to Enter Shikari, if Brent tries to sing like me it sounds BAD, the base note is on a flat--his entire voice would change, or he'd have to become double-jointed (tilt your head to one side!)... the result is sort of muffled [it bounces bad]--I think there are 2-3 things in your throat, and if the air escapes too unevenly pitch suffers. Bass/Tone/"Grit"). And "Skies" was written in the same week (Or the same period of prolonged activity), if you listen to it from far away it sounds grrrrreaaaaaaaat. "Trancecore"--that's why "you" (collectively) want to keep hearing the songs.

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