Lyric discussion by Wotanswarrior 

To expand on the top comment, I think that the event weakened the foundations of the black metal scene. Euronymous dead and Vikernes in jail certainly was pretty crushing. Mayhem and Burzum are two of the greatest black metal bands ever, after all, apart from just being infamous. After that point, true black metal began to give way to dogshit like Dimmu Borgir while the Satanists and Pagans fought each other. Truly, they shouldn't be fighting and bands like Ragnarok attempt to bridge that divide. They share one thing in common that's defining to black metal, the burning hatred of Christianity which destroyed ancient wisdom. A healthy scene would unite under that mantra.

"Lies, rumors and hate. Moneymaking, sadness and shame"

Basically, the above line tells you what the end result was.

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