Lyric discussion by andy77white 

I love this song tho find it almost unlistenable! As I see it its about the pain Wyatt went through after the accident that put him in a wheelchair. The next track is about coming out of it, still drugged up, his partner Alfie (Alfreda Benge) is there with him. The album title 'Rock Bottom' is a pun on both hitting an all-time low and his lower-half paralysis. I can see how the final track could send you in an 'animals' direction...I see it as Wyatt the hedgehog (hedgehogs being the classic roadkill victims) getting his own back! 'Bursting the tyres all day' etc.But less sure about that.'The Garden of England' is Kent, where he grew up, went to Canterbury Grammar with Kev Ayres (RIP), Mike Ratelege, Hugh Hopper, and the guys from Caravan. The accident seems to have made him reflective, sent him back to his childhood. And inspired some beautiful music, but you can't be glad it happened, can you?

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