Lyric discussion by Lemur80 

I just love "Troublegum", it's terryfing and beautilul mix of desperation, frustration and a little faith in a better tomorrow. Every f**g track on this album is a goddamn masterpiece. I love "Knives", "Turn", "Screamager", and other songs from this LP (expect 2 last ones). I take this album now exactly like in the 90' (maybe i'm immature - i don't give a flying f.). "Trigger Inside" is about many things, Enyone who had ever felt totally alone, rejected, who had his/her mind f*****p entirely and who had problems with agression will fully understand the meaning of this song. There's polish band, Coma, which singer - Piotr Rogucki sometimes is trying to put a shoes of "everyman". Their lyrics are cut in the way that everyone should feel that every song is about themselves. Coma entered the fight, but they lost. The real winner is Therapy? (and maybe some other bands).

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