Lyric discussion by 101Volts 

The first two lines refer to having sex with one's wife, The next two refer to "Singin' In The Rain". The chorus lines speak of thinking of sex with one's wife (I think)

As for the rest of the lyrics;

"It's chaotic at the bar" = I'll take that literally. "B & O Those sweaty drops" = Body Odor and sweating. "We are all mesmerized to the thing we have inside" = Sadly, This seems like a generalization of everyone listening and I imagine it's referring to an all too unhealthy addiction to sex. It seems compounded in the next lines:

"Inside, outside, eastside, West We kill the beast Yourside, myside, worlds collide, yes We kill the beast "

It would seem that it means "Everyone, Everywhere gets that druggie fix of sex."

Not to say that sex is "bad" because it's not; But addictions aren't good. Or perhaps I misinterpreted it and he meant "We gain control over our bodies" But it doesn't seem like it to me given the context.

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