Lyric discussion by PRAYlNG 

I'm Sorry is about how her mother used to hit her when she was young, she understand why and Lacey forgives her.

"I'm not ashamed Of that long December Your hand's coming down again." = Lacey remembers when her mom used to hit her.

"I close my eyes and brace myself I only noticed your face." = Before her mom used to hit her she'd cringe and just get herself ready for it, It was like they were the only 2 people in the room, she remembers that night/day/time period.

"But it's not time I'm told I am aware (am aware) Of what you mean by then I'm only ten years old." = Lacey was only 10 at the time and now since she's about 34 now, she understand and is fully aware why her mom used to hit her. No one had to tell her, she understood herself.

"My scars are yours today This story ends so good I love you and I understand That you stood where I stood." = When Lacey's mom hit her, it left scars and now It's just a reminder and now that she's grown up she's happier now and the story of her life ends great. She loves her mom and why she did that and maybe when her mom was little, she used to get hit she understands where her mom stands.

" I'm done healing I'm done healing." = She's done healing, It's over now, she forgives everybody who has ever done anything bad to her.

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