Lyric discussion by nickbailey 

I'm a big Smiths / Morrissey fan but I'm not so keen on this lyric, they're purely observational without any judgement of the events unfolding, the observer is "just passing through to somewhere civilised" after witnessing the unfairness of three against one, while also knowing this was an attempt at revenge for an earlier event, it seems pointless that the desperate, drugged up tooled up asian kid who wants revenge ends up another casualty, whether the song describes a witness to events who chooses not to act on what they have seen or a none existent one just as a literary device, it leaves you frustrating and powerless, there's no explicit racist element to it but the distant uncaring quality is uncomfortable to listen to, it's a side of mozza I'm not keen on but then he always could be a funny bugger, it could be a subtle anti racist comment or it could be the total opposite, the title is unusual too.

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