Lyric discussion by Bellaaaaa 

This has to be one of my favourite Nick Drake songs, its so lush with ideas or perhaps more accurately thoughts. I can really relate to this song not so much in terms of loneliness or depression, I'm not sure really. I think its a part of the beauty of Nick Drake's music, it always resonates some where within. I feel the initial 'lazy afternoon' feeling it gives can really contextualise the deeper feelings of the song. Maybe like a blue sky day with no one to really share ones understanding with. I could note the idea of silence as a reference to sleep or death, and whilst I can really relate to this idea, I think it is necessary to consider that this idea isn't to be feared or looked to with pity or even disdain, but something truly beautiful. Its just one of those songs, that really draws your soul out to the point you can almost physically feel the music, and a longing to be apart of it. Even though it seems painfully obvious, with all the suggestions of loneliness and sadness throughout the song, it feels almost shallow to say the song is about depression or some such. Because even if we can't see it, the song has so much more to offer.

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