Lyric discussion by syates777 

I try to picture all of these things in my head, I like that when this guy sings... one thing I also think he was trying to relate was the educational pressures applied on all in this day and age. Though we don't always discuss them I think a lot of our hang-ups come from that developmental stage when we are pressed into learning all of these bizarre facts and facets of the human experience. In this day and age all of this information is so easily accessible at that. I think that's where the "click, click, click..." comes in. It's that our lives are so mechanical and removed from our own organic considerations- and not talking about food- but I mean every facet of our lives without having to answer to the mechanisms of daily life, all of which are an extension-via the chain of cultural development- of all those ancients that he discusses in the opening stanzas. We wouldn't be where we are now without the exact occurrence of history as it happened- the flow of events became a chain and now we are here, regardless of how obscure and inconsequential it all may seem, it played a role. So it begs the question eventually how much consequence do you bear? And does that really matter at all?

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