Lyric discussion by DivingUp 

Like many songs of hers, they can be interpreted in many ways, but this is just how I personally interpreted the song:

The song is told not necessarily from PJ's perspective, but from the persona of a typical "macho" man. He believes his masculinity holds him superior to others. Because of this superiority he doesn't feel "a need to shout" because he believes people inferior to him (particularly women) should give him the attention he deserves; because he is a man, he believes this is his inherent "birthright", if you will.

It also describes how he perceives women and femininity. Women to him are at most his accessory; the line "I'm pretty sure good enough to eat" could refer to women as a piece of "meat", if you ,will whether having a sexual tone or not.

Finally, I believe the last few lines are him trying to rid himself of the weakness inside of him, which he perceives to be femininity ("silence my lady head"; "get girl out of my head", etc.), in order to keep his power, authority and masculinity, to keep him "man-sized".

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