Lyric discussion by cinesis 

This is one of Morrissey's most profound and poetic songs. Its first stanza is an allusion to political correctness - replace the locations with African locales:

"Crime in Uganda; I despise each syllable in "Africa". Let the people burn, Let their children cry and die in blind asylum."

But Morrissey knows he can't be called racist for maligning Scandinavia.

"And I praise the god who made you. Stab me in your own time in Scandinavia. Uncomplaining I'd die in Scandinavia."

This is a racial acknowledgment. Morrissey is saying "Thank god for Nordic peoples!" Further, he acknowledges their racial superiority over he himself, as an Irish / English Celt, with the line "Stab me in your own time in Scandinavia."

How the Hell did you interpret this song as a neo-Nazi call to eugenics? Serious misinterpretation here...

Although it is very ambiguous, on first listen I thought it may have had some reference to the pureness of the Scandinavian race. Which is what brought me to here to see what others thought.

I hope the comment above was intended as a joke. Morrissey is not racist. It refers directly to the Swedish national Anthem, wich has the words " I want to live and I want to die in Scandinavia (Norden)"

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