Lyric discussion by Rothguard 

Lovecraft used the term “Great Old Ones” in only two stories: in “The Call of Cthulhu” it referred to Cthulhu’s spawn, and in “At the Mountains of Madness” it was the title of the starfish-like beings who lived in Antarctica and warred with the Cthulhu-spawn!

Cthulhu is a “Great Old One” and he is of a race called the “Spawn of Cthulhu”.

Cthulhu lies "dead but dreaming" in the city of R'lyeh, a place of non-Euclidean madness presently sunken below the depths of the Pacific Ocean. timeless sleep has been upset He awakens

It is said that the "Great Old Ones" will return, causing worldwide insanity and mindless violence before finally displacing humanity forever. in madness You dwell

Cthulhu himself is served by humans, the amphibious deep ones or "hybrid children", and his own spawn. Hybrid children watch the sea Pray for Father, roaming free

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