Lyric discussion by rafaelluik 

I think about people who have nothing in their minds (just white noise), rich people, religious people, ordinary people who only think of themselves, people who don't like you because of the differences...

As I'm very different from everybody in various aspects, I can really relate to lyrics. I also have a little of social phobia, I'll just copy a part of the song that's perfect.

"Running around trying to fit in, Wanting to be loved. It doesn't take much. For someone to shut you down. When you build a shell, Build an army in your mind. You can't sit still. And you don't like hanging round the crowd. They don't understand"

We close ourselves inside a shell... We have anxiety so we can't sit still when we're around other people, being observed. It's difficult to feel comfortable with people, you don't know if they'll understand the kind of people you're.

When we get to the end of the song... I need to comment the album too! It's about accepting you as you are, unique, extraordinary. :3

Recently I accepted myself as I'm and I stopped caring about what people will think about me, how they'll judge me. The people seem to aways want something from us, they want us to be extroverted and speak at all times. Well, I can't give them that, I'm very introspective and quiet, I try a little but they'll simply have to accept me this way.

We can't live our lives with the necessity of being understood. Whoever is reading this, I give you this advice: be yourself, understand yourself and don't care about what other people will think.

I'm not sure about it but I've made an interpretation of this part of the song: "You dropped by as I was sleeping. / You came to see the whole commotion." -> "She" (you) had your eyes closed to the solutions, you were asleep in the middle of your suffering. "And when I woke I started laughing. / The jokes on me for not believing." -> But then you realize you can't be shaken by this kind of feeling, you accept yourself, you wake up and laugh at the jokes people made(/make) of you. Perhaps "believing" is related to the "lies" told by these people in the world. I'm giving a loosely interpretation here.

I'd be very thanked if someone could put a light on this stanza. :)

Great Points, and I'm really glad you have accepted yourself. I still haven't fully accepted myself as the way I am, mostly because of my anti-social nature. I live a lie to some extent, (maybe everyone does though, in order to best fit in with society)The stanza that you posted is probably my favorite set of lyrics and musical moment of the album. Every word digs into me like a dagger. I hate people and crowds, but want to be loved by people (its just such a conundrum)

Yes :)

I just want you to know that I still have problems in ambients with people, I still get embarrassed and get sad after that... But I accept it.

Here, you should check this interview they posted in Garbage's page on Facebook:

"- Where did "Beloved Freak" come from?

  • In a funny way, I think that's a song to ourselves. As a band, we've always felt a little misunderstood, and we realize, even with this new record, it's sort of the same situation. We're just oddballs, and we always will be. At this point in our lives, rather than feel like victims of being left out, we're like, "Fuck it!" We're renegades. We're doing things on our own terms, and that's fine. Whenever you do choose to live in a way that's different from other people, they're very fast to call you a freak, weirdo, or oddball. That can feel very exclusive. As a human being, you have to invert that idea and say, "We're doing things on our own terms. This is how we see things. I will do what I think is right not what everybody else tells me is right, and that's okay."

  • Does that become easier as you grow up?

  • I don't know. Maybe, I don't mature as fast as everybody else, but I feel like it remains a challenge no matter how old you become. To me, it feels like a challenge to fit in and connect with people on a meaningful level. Maybe, I feel out of step. I don't know if it does get easier. I think your understanding of it gets deeper and therefore it's not as torturous. I have a feeling I will remain an oddball for the rest of my life [Laughs]. No matter how old I bloody well get [Laughs]! I'll be rocking the pink perm and I'll still feel out of things! Who knows? Who cares at this point?"

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